Planning and Environment Law

Planning and environment law governs issues associated with decisions by road and water authorities, councils and state government. It essentially manages how our cities, towns and natural environment look:
- If you live on a heritage street, then it is the planning and environment act that protects the housing stock of the area.
- If a farmer wishes to cut down trees that are in a habitat zone, it is planning and environment law that will protect the trees or penalise the farmer if they are removed without permission.
- If you are frustrated by council’s approval of a planning application, then the Planning and Environment Act enables you to seek a review of that decision at VCAT.
Planning and Environment law is a form of administrative law, and I assist individuals, companies and government authorities to navigate the complexities that govern this administrative law in Victoria.
My services:
- Planning advice
- Preparation of planning applications and representation at council consultative meetings for planning permit applications, navigating planning controls and other regulatory requirements, and addressing assessment criteria procedures
- Victorian planning panel hearings for planning scheme amendments
- Merits review, as well as obtaining, defending and challenging consents, permits, licences and other approvals or refusals. This includes
- merit appeals and legal challenges, and alternate dispute resolution
- permit extensions
- licensed premises
- chicken broiler farms
- wind Energy Facilities/wind farms
- residential
- advertising signs
- schools
- restrictive covenants
- major projects
- existing use rights
- development applications
- review applications
- clean up and prevention notices
- water, noise and air pollution
- Compulsory acquisition advice, representation and appeals
- Pollution, environmental and planning prosecutions hearings
- Heritage, native vegetation and threatened species matters
- 173 and voluntary planning agreements
- VCAT appeals to Supreme Court